- Tuck a sugar cube into your glove -- according to Greek culture, the sugar will sweeten your union.
- The English believe a spider found in a wedding dress means good luck. Yikes!
- In English tradition, Wednesday is considered the "best day" to marry, although Monday is for wealth and Tuesday is for health.
- The groom carries the bride across the threshold to bravely protect her from evil spirits lurking below.
- Ancient Romans studied pig entrails to determine the luckiest time to marry.
- Rain on your wedding day is actually considered good luck, according to Hindu tradition!
- For good luck, Egyptian women pinch the bride on her wedding day. Ouch!
- Middle Eastern brides paint henna on their hands and feet to protect themselves from the evil eye.
- Peas are thrown at Czech newlyweds instead of rice.
- A Swedish bride puts a silver coin from her father and a gold coin from her mother in each shoe to ensure that she'll never do without.
- A Finnish bride traditionally went door-to-door collecting gifts in a pillowcase, accompanied by an older married man who represented long marriage.
- Moroccan women take a milk bath to purify themselves before their wedding ceremony.
- In Holland, a pine tree is planted outside the newlyweds' home as a symbol of fertility and luck.
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